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The beginning of you era.
The Kyushu synthesis sports college,
In Usa-shi, Oita of baseball, the soccer basket
An athlete and trainer, human resources of the sports business,
It is a technical school bringing up a kindergarten teacher, a nursery staff.
The beginning of you era.
The Kyushu synthesis sports college,
In Usa-shi, Oita of baseball, the soccer basket
An athlete and trainer, human resources of the sports business,
It is a technical school bringing up a kindergarten teacher, a nursery staff.
The beginning of you era.
The Kyushu synthesis sports college,
In Usa-shi, Oita of baseball, the soccer basket
An athlete and trainer, human resources of the sports business,
It is a technical school bringing up a kindergarten teacher, a nursery staff.
The beginning of you era.
The Kyushu synthesis sports college,
In Usa-shi, Oita of baseball, the soccer basket
An athlete and trainer, human resources of the sports business,
It is a technical school bringing up a kindergarten teacher, a nursery staff.
The beginning of you era.
The Kyushu synthesis sports college,
In Usa-shi, Oita of baseball, the soccer basket
An athlete and trainer, human resources of the sports business,
It is a technical school bringing up a kindergarten teacher, a nursery staff.
The beginning of you era.
The Kyushu synthesis sports college,
In Usa-shi, Oita of baseball, the soccer basket
An athlete and trainer, human resources of the sports business,
It is a technical school bringing up a kindergarten teacher, a nursery staff.

What's New, news

Announcement of 2021 admissions applicant additional offer
  Announcement of 2021 admissions applicant additional offer

In KSSC, I perform the additional recruitment of new students in the next fiscal year.
Please confirm the following about a target subject, the selection method.

1. Target subject sports health subject  
         Child sports subject
2. Selection method interview, short essay, paper screening
3. Until the deadline for offer end of March, 2021

 I accept an individual conference at any time.
 Please refer over an inquiry form, a telephone.
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